miércoles, 18 de julio de 2007

Lady Be Good (vibes duet), featuring Milt Jackson & Bobby Hutcherson (Germany, 1993)

5 comentarios:

グリー dijo...


出合い dijo...


goodgirlsguide dijo...

if they knew they were going to be put on your blog - they'd have exercised tighter copyright control!

HunterMann dijo...

"truthteller" spammed this blogsite with several rude comments, preferring that people not be able to see great film clips of music.
Clicking on her link, she turns out to be a shrink and a hypnotherapist, LOL!
In here bio she states(note the great typo) " Qualified in Music Production and also TV and Video Prodiction." Maybe she meant to say TV and Video Predictions? If so, she predicted correctly that I'd reply about her attitude problem. She must be physic... I mean psychic!!

SM dijo...
